It's important to remember that "Gulf War 2" is part of a larger war.
This "occupation" fits nicely into a larger historic picture.
Between the 12th and 14th centuries the Vatican waged the the Crusades. These were 3 major wars over a period of a few hundred years. Realisitically, even though blogger didn't exist, i think it's an easy guess that battles didn't take place everyday for this long period of time. As a matter of fact, i'd even venture to say that those wars, like those "wars" described in Athens and Sparta, could have also been described as smaller battles in a larger era of war.
Today's state of the globe is similar to those times. Better to see the radical Islamic war starting in 1979 and continuing into the forseeable future. Now that we have history's crutch, we can look back through the 90's into the 80's and to 1979, when President Jimmy Carter (not Jim, or James, but Jimmy) and see when this country was held at bay for 444 days.
Remember the American hostages which President Reagan tried indirectly to rescue.
The bombings which started in the 80s, then WTC 93, Oklahoma 95, TWA Flt 800 (yes, i consider this terror), the embassy bombings in africa, and finally the WTC 01. Many incidents involve bombs, and the SAME TYPE OF BOMBS, both here and in the Mid East. HOW CAN YOU IGNORE THESE FACTS???
You can't, which is why we are in what will be known in the future as a much larger war. These may be the "end times" but they won't end quickly - this will be drawn out for a while. Get used to it.
America has fought many short wars in her short history. They've all had endings. Results. Winners and losers. Clear answers.
America is in it's first historical war, where armies and movements are only relavent to battles. GW1 and GW2 (as declared ended in may '03) *may* be considered battles in a larger war when history is written. In the meantime, America will have these "terror incidents" - tiny, in respect to the traditional definition of war.
What does this mean to the relativeness of each candidate in the 2004 election?
The answer to this is: Not much. As long as 2 of 3 arms of the national government dedicate adequate supplies to keep the peoples of America safe, life should return to normal - a New Normal - but normal. In essence, when Bill Clinton speaks of the traditional democratic values in his convention speech, this is the correct focus.
When Kerry speaks of his (4 months!!) experience in Vietnam the question becomes - will this be valid in coming years to what we now should call "America's 25 year war"? the answer is a resounding "No". I was sorry to see that Kerry's convention speech was entirely based off his four months in battle rather than the policies which bill focused on - and I'm no fan of Bill, except he governs well in the smaller scale of the word.
Bush would do himself well not to make this convention about the war - only partly - in reference to this nation's security. This is what Pearl Harbor was about.