The Virtual Land of Rhetoric

Pointers to the important issues of today.

Location: California, United States

Serving God and Mankind.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A message to Deborah King

> Those who protested the University's decision to host this speaker were reacting out of fear.

If you had a single relative or friend who fights in Iraq today or fought in World War II you wouldn't have written your diatribe of "fear" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Perhaps you're unaware that when elected to the Iranian Presidency, hostages from 1979 appeared on the Today Show to publicly question why the CIA let a known terrorist participant for Ayatolla Khomeini. They know, they spent a lot of time with their captors.

Perhaps you aren't paying attention to sworn testimony on Capital Hill which states that IUDs which kill American soldiers in Iraq originate from Iran.

Perhaps you haven't heard that the Iranian populi elected a man that said one thing and did another and that the same populi has consistently tried to rebel, but the current President has too much military and police control over the state to allow this to happen. I suggest you google the police breaking of satellite dishes in Tehran to get an idea of how "free" Iran is.

Perhaps you are unaware that this man has said the Jewish holocaust didn't happen, that Israel should be wiped off the map.

Perhaps you should realize that the protesters wanted to see JUSTICE brought to a man who claims he rules a free country, when he is just a mask for a religious jihad.

Perhaps you should just do your political homework before making such backward, uninformed, idiotic statements when American blood fills the streets of Iraq.

Sit down and meditate. You will reach the conclusion that:
1) The Muslims have fought the Christians since the Crusades in the 11th century.
2) The radical Muslim sect will not stop until they inflict irreparable damage to the western way of life. With victory that means they want YOU TO WEAR A BURHKA.
4) No Muslim "leader", American or otherwise has stood up to say the radical agenda is wrong.
3) In context, and with doing some homework you will learn that the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, WTC 1993, the Phillipines Airlines flight 434 bombing in 1993, Oklahoma 1995, the 1998 African Embassy bombings, TWA Flight 800 (for proof see the investigative dvd: the USS Cole bombing in 2000 and the WTC 2001 bombing are all Muslim versus Christian.

Check out this link:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad supplies money and refuge to these KILLERS!

And you say the protesters base their activities in FEAR?

I've seen you work several times at the Bodhi Tree. I love the fact you're helping people, but DON'T go off half cocked (a gun slinger term) and tell the masses that we should welcome a known "axis of terror" supporter to our freedom loving country who welcomes EVERYONE with open arms including illegal immigrants and self professed terrorists alike.

You have disgraced many people, including the dead in your desire to fulfill your own meager ego.




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